Agogo: Characteristics, price, and history of ethnic musical instruments


The agogo is a percussion instrument used in Latin music, but it is not well known. This may be because the percussion instrument itself is not that conspicuous, but many people do not even know what this instrument is called in the first place. Many people confuse agogobells and cowbells, so we have also summarized the differences.

Origin of musical instruments

The agogo is said to be a musical instrument that originated in Africa.

About the price

The price ranges from a few thousand yen to several tens of thousands of yen.

history of musical instruments

Agogo is said to have originated in Africa, and only in the modern era. It is said that the agogo probably originated around the 17th century, and some people were already playing it in West Africa. The agogo was made of white ivory and the rod was also made of ivory. Since there are many elephants in Africa, it was said that it would be easy to make such musical instruments. It is said that the agogo was primarily used and played at ceremonies and banquets for African royalty. Later, when Africans were transported to South America as slaves, this instrument is thought to have spread to South America. Partly because of this, agogobel has come to appear very frequently in Latin music in modern times. It is an instrument often used in Brazilian music such as samba, and now the agogo has come to be considered more of a South American instrument.

Features of Agogo

Agogo is a metal percussion instrument consisting of two bells, one large and one small. The smaller one is the higher pitched sound, and the larger one is the lower pitched sound, and you hold the drumstick in your dominant hand and hit the drumsticks alternately. The thin, curved stick is soft, and you can play it by hitting a large or small triangular pyramid with your non-dominant hand, making it a rather tricky instrument to play.

Difference from cowbell

On the other hand, the cowbell, like the agogo, is a metal percussion instrument. A cowbell is played by hitting a single note with a stick. The tone is lower than the agogo bell, so the tone is different. There are also differences in performance format. In the case of the agogo, the tone can sometimes stand out, so it is often played alone. On the other hand, cowbell has a lower tone, so it is often played in combination with drums.


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