Violilla: Characteristics, price, and history of the stringed instrument


It may be said that people other than Japanese do not know much about the instrument called viola. This is because although this instrument was born in Japan, it is not so well known. Viola is a stringed instrument produced by Yamaha, one of the world’s musical instrument manufacturers. The viola looks exactly like the taishokoto, but there are many differences.


The violilla is an instrument created in Japan, similar to the taishokoto. This new instrument is often played in concert with violin, piano, and electronic organ. The pitch is controlled by playing. There are videos out there, and the basic system is to use two types of strings, alto and soprano strings. It has 27 scale buttons. Even beginners can play the instrument with a loud sound, and the slightly wide octave makes it easy to play. We produce both used and new products.

About the price

Prices range from tens of thousands of yen to hundreds of thousands of yen. It’s a wonderful instrument, and you can buy it at a store near you. It’s very interesting because you can change the way you put it out a little bit.

History of the Violyre

The history of the Violyre is not thousands of years old, so its history is very short. The Violyre was created by Yamaha Corporation. The viola is an instrument that was invented in the 21st century, and its shape is very similar to the taishokoto, so many people misunderstand it. Since the viola is an instrument that was created in recent years, the problem is that it has a very short history and is expensive. It cannot be said that it is a handy instrument, and if you buy it, it will cost more than 100,000 yen in Japanese yen. You can also buy them online, but you should be aware that they are expensive.


Characteristics of the Violyre

The Violyre is often mistaken for the taishokoto, but they are not. The fuselage is not hollow, but uses a thick single plate. Therefore, the viola is a solid type and has little resonance, so if you play it as it is, the performance sound will be small. If you pick up the sound of the strings with an electromagnetic microphone, you can also increase the volume. The viola can also be connected to an amplifier, so you can play at a high volume, or practice at a low volume indoors. You can also control the sound quality and switch the reverb. A viola can have up to four strings. Only one string has a low sound, but depending on the composition of the ensemble, the number and type of strings can have different ranges and timbres. Both the standard and bass models have open strings and a G scale. By intentionally changing the tension, you can play chords with just one finger.

What is Taishogoto?

The taishokoto is often compared to the viola, but they are different instruments. The taishokoto has 2 to 12 metal strings, the keyboard is pressed with the left hand, and the pick is played with the right hand, so you can clearly see the difference. Unlike the viola, the taishokoto has a hollow part, so the volume can be amplified. Since the number of keys is indefinite, the range is also indefinite. It is generally played by holding down the keys with the left hand and plucking the strings with the pick in the right hand.



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