[Music and Study] What are the effects and precautions of listening to music while studying? Explaining the benefits


There are many high school students and working adults who listen to music with earphones while studying and find it beneficial for their brains, but I will introduce and explain the precautions in this article. There are many people who study, not only students but also adults, and many of them think that listening to music interferes with their studies. However, some people find that listening to music makes them less bothered by the noise around them. So which one is correct? The answer varies depending on the genre of music.

Music genre

Listening to music while studying can be beneficial depending on the genre, and can be a risk depending on the genre. So what kind of music is suitable for studying? When listening to music for the purpose of improving concentration, song selection is an important point. It is said that you can memorize information while listening to it, and it is said to increase your motivation. Choosing your favorite music is a way to change your environment, and there are no downsides. The trick and caution is to not let your head become conscious of the music. In order to feel a higher effect on your work and the way you work, you need to concentrate on the work itself.


Although a variety of instruments are used in classical music, there is a sense of unity and harmony throughout, so it rarely feels noisy. It has a calming effect on the mind. It is easy to get high scores on school tests. I also recommend it as a study method because you can do it in a good mood even when taking the exam. You may be more efficient than getting used to silence.


Ambient refers to environmental music. For research, etc., the music is composed of sounds related to nature, such as the sound of wind blowing and water flowing, rather than voices, making it feel like you are studying in nature. Your important memory will be sharpened and your sleepiness will disappear. It is said to be more effective than studying at a cafe for high school students. If you get used to this, you will be able to concentrate on university entrance exams.


Healing music mainly uses sounds that emit alpha waves, which have the effect of regulating the autonomic nervous system. Just by listening to music, your heart rate will decrease and you will naturally be able to breathe deeply. During the actual exam, you will be taking the exam in a quiet environment, so once you get used to this, you will be able to avoid stress. You can expect it even in important exams.

Important point

The above music genres are very effective when you are concentrating, such as when studying. However, please avoid the following types of music as they will have the opposite effect and will definitely waste your study time. Research is progressing in science around the world, but when there is the presence of speaking voices, it is inevitable to keep listening and trying to understand, which disrupts concentration. When elementary school and junior high school students are worried about their career path or are worried about taking university entrance exams, their effective understanding decreases. In such a case, if you listen to the following music on YouTube and listen to it at the same time in your daily life, your performance will become even less efficient.


When it comes to music with lyrics, the words naturally come into your ears, which can distract you and make it difficult to concentrate. Because humans are animals with the ability to think, we begin to think about the meanings of words. Avoid singing songs at all costs. A somewhat calm, anxiety-free environment is best. We need a system to incorporate it on a large scale. Even simple tasks such as math calculations and memorizing English sentences and words become difficult. It can also have a negative impact on those around you.

EDM, rock, anime music

Fast-paced songs such as dance music, songs with rapid development, and songs with rapid movement of scales will stimulate the brain more strongly, making it impossible to concentrate on studying. Try to avoid it as it will definitely reduce your learning ability. This is also true for rock and anime songs.

Song selection

Please limit the music you listen to while studying to the following types of music: Stimulating music will definitely interfere with your studies and end up wasting your time. BGM is best and should not be distracting. If you are not able to demonstrate your abilities normally, try using music you are not familiar with, such as the ones below. It will be effective if you practice and incorporate it.

Flat music

Music with less chord progressions and music with less musical scales are more suitable for studying. This is because it is less irritating to the brain.

Natural sounds

The sounds of insects, flowing water, and swaying trees have a relaxing effect on humans and are very effective for studying.

Slow tempo song

A song with a fast tempo is not suitable because it makes you psychologically rushed. Slow tempo songs are psychologically stable.

How to improve your concentration

It’s okay to use music to increase your concentration and motivation, but you also need to be able to concentrate on your studies without it. In addition to music, try to improve the efficiency of your studies.


Some people study for a long time in an attempt to increase their study time as much as possible. However, because people have a limited amount of time to stay focused, there is not much that can be remembered no matter how much time they spend studying. You will be able to study more efficiently if you take a break and rest both physically and mentally.

Light exercise

Since you tend to stay in the same position for a long time while studying, you will get tired from your neck, shoulders, and lower back. While studying, move your body moderately, such as stretching your back, arms, and hips, so that you do not get tired.

Decide the time

Even if you study all the time, it will be painful. Therefore, let’s decide the time to study in advance. Being able to sharpen should be able to improve efficiency.


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