

[World Music Market 2022] A growing world and a declining Japan

On March 22, 2022, the IFPI Global Music Report 2022, an annual report summarizing global music market sales, announced that global music market sales in 2021 will increase by 18.5% year-on-year. announced an increase to $25.9 billion. In the top 10 country rankings, only the low growth of Japan and Australia stands out in a bad way, but the other countries are continuing to grow at 10% to 20%, and this situation is expected to continue from next year onwards. increase.

[Musical instrument playing and disease] How to prevent tendonitis caused by piano lessons or guitar playing?

Tenosynovitis is a disease that commonly affects all musical instrument players, including piano and guitar. I want to play a lot, but when I practice, my hands hurt and I can't play. If you're already in pain, you have no choice but to rest, and you'll feel frustrated during that time. That's why you need preventive measures before your hands hurt.

[Music and childcare] Recommended music for childcare

Raising a child is very tiring and uses a lot of energy. If we compare a mother's child-rearing to work, raising a child requires as much effort as starting a business. Infants especially require attention throughout the day, which can be the most difficult time for parents. There is music that has a very effective and positive influence on children who are about to be born, those who have just been born, and even infants. If you are currently raising a child, please let your child listen to music.

[Music humming search app] Free Siri usage and functions when you don’t know the song name

Did you know that Siri also works as a music search app? It has a strong meaning of "an assistant function that performs smartphone operations for you just by talking to it" installed in iPhones and iPads, but you can also search for music. Go into the mic and ask, "What is this song?" Then, the text "Searching for songs" will be displayed, so you can search.

[Music and housework] Improve efficiency and motivation for housework

Household chores are inevitable in life. Laundry, cleaning, cooking, and other activities that are necessary for survival. There must be times when you feel that the work is troublesome or you just don't have the motivation to do it. Music is what lifts my spirits. There are so many people who enjoy doing housework while listening to music.

[Music Google Search] Free Google Humming Search when you don’t know the song title

Google Humming Search is a very useful app that was implemented in 2020. Even if you don't know the song title, you can sing it yourself and detect the melody to find the song title. Moreover, even beginners can use it easily because it is free to use.

[How to improve on the piano] Learning period and practice time How to improve for beginners and adults

There are so many beginners who have the problem that they are not getting better at the piano. It's easy for anyone to imagine that if you don't practice enough time, you won't improve, but in fact, long hours of practice can also hinder your progress.

[Music and depression] Measures to prevent office workers from becoming depressed

Depression can be said to be a common problem in modern society and the modern world. In a stressful society, mental health is attracting attention. Since stress is invisible, many people are unaware that they are stressed. Also, even if they are aware that they are stressed, they do not know how to relieve it well, and some people suffer from mental illness such as depression.

[Music and anti-aging] Is it possible to anti-aging with music?

Can music stop aging? Such an era may have come. Currently, the development of anti-aging drugs is progressing around the world, mainly in the pharmaceutical industry, and it is said that a world without aging will be realized in 10 to 20 years. But this is only a cure with medicine. This time it's a story that music may be able to stop aging.

[Music and Talent] Are the characteristics of those with talent and those without talent something they are born with? Explanation

In the world of music, there are people with talent and people without talent, but are their characteristics innate? I will explain it in the article. Many people wonder if they have musical talent or taste. Many people are probably wondering how musical talent is honed, but it's surprisingly easy. Some of it is genetic, but it's just like any other profession.