[Music and Health] Why does singing lead to stress relief? Workplace, work and relationship stress


Modern society is said to be a stress society. With the development of SNS and the Internet, we are living in a society where the distance between people is shrinking in both good and bad ways. But it also had its downsides. The result is that more and more people are experiencing stress in relationships, in the workplace, and at work. It has long been said that singing relieves stress, but why is that?

Why singing relieves stress

It has long been said that singing in your spare time has health benefits. It is said that singing can improve mental and physical conditions. But why can singing, such as karaoke, improve the condition? It is said that singing happily releases stress and reduces anxiety. Singing in a relaxed state by breathing through your mouth through your abdomen and training yourself will have the following benefits: By stimulating your body every day for free, even elderly people can train their facial muscles.

happiness hormone

It is said that when you sing loudly and comfortably, your brain secretes β-endorphin, which is called the happy hormone, and dopamine, which is called the motivational substance and the pleasure hormone. It is said that this will make you feel positive. The feeling after singing is actually very refreshing and clear.

Cathartic effect

The catharsis effect means that when you output emotions such as anxiety, worries, and anger that have accumulated in your heart with words and actions, you can detox your mind. Singing is said to have a cathartic effect, and if you express your feelings of fatigue and frustration at work that you can’t usually express in words, you can feel refreshed by releasing your feelings.

regulate the autonomic nervous system

When people are feeling stressed, such as feeling uneasy or irritated, their breathing becomes shallow. When your breathing is shallow, your sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant and you feel stressed. If you sing loudly in such a situation, you take a deep breath and vocalize, which causes your diaphragm to move greatly. Deep breathing that causes the diaphragm to move up and down has the effect of making the parasympathetic nervous system dominant. It switches on the parasympathetic nerves and balances the autonomic nerves that regulate the internal environment.

Favorite song

Modern society is all about human relationships, so if we don’t control our emotions at least a little, we can’t live. However, if you keep suppressing your emotions for a long time, it is natural that it will become painful. That’s where “singing your favorite song” helps. By singing your favorite songs, empathy and admiration are asserted, suppressed emotions start to move, and mental care effects can be obtained.

physical health benefits

Singing also affects the body. By speaking from your stomach, you will be training muscles such as the rectus abdominis, intercostal muscles, and pectoralis major, so it will also be a great exercise. In other words, it gets your body moving and relieves stress. It has been proven that playing sports can relieve stress, and singing can also help relieve stress. Even if you’re nervous at an event, you can have fun and be physically and mentally fulfilled.

diet effect

By voicing from your stomach, you will be exercising. With this, one song can burn 200 calories, which is equivalent to running. It depends on the length of the song, but the longer you sing, the more calories you burn, so it’s good exercise. Singing is also said to improve blood flow. When blood flow improves, blood circulation improves to the extremities of the body, such as fingers and toes, and coldness can be expected to disappear.


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